Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Tactics Game Pack

Today I have something a little different. I have a pack of Star Wars Pocketmodel Trading Card Game (TCG). It seems to be similar to the Pirates Constructible Strategy Game where you can construct ships and battle with them. The Pirates Constructible Strategy Game had a good gimmick and the ships look awesome but the game itself was rather lackluster. Basically the gameplay was quite repetitive. I wonder if the Star Wars game is any better. Here is what came in the pack.

Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Tactics Game Pack

Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Tactics  Ships

Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Tactics Cards

I was going to build the ship and take a picture of it but it looks pretty complicated…


Filed under Collectibles

2 responses to “Star Wars Pocketmodel TCG Tactics Game Pack

  1. The SW Pocketmodel game had GREAT models, and the game play was…err…bad. In fact you really didn’t even need the models to play. There was no movement at all, which made things weird when you’re dealing with a miniatures game. Oh and some of the smaller models were infuriatingly small – Speeder Bikes I’m looking at you.

    If you found the Pirates game to be repetitive, this game will drive you bonkers. The awesome thing though was CAPITAL SHIPS – as in Super-Star Destroyers, rebel blockaded runners, At-Ats, AT-TEs, etc. All in a similar scale and all awesome models.

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